green rooms

Gardens beautifully
expertly built
& lovingly planted.


At green rooms we are a full service garden design and build company which brings you the convenience of having only one point of contact and some cost benefits too.

However we also like to be flexible and can tailor exactly which of our services you need for a totally bespoke garden solution. For the sake of clarity we split our services into design, build and planting.

Free Consultation

We offer a free consultation to help work out everything you want from your garden or space. Through this process we obtain your brief and start looking at options, with the aid of our portfolio of work.


At green rooms we offer a variety of different design services. At it’s simplest you may only need a simple layout plan. These would typically be A4 sized CAD drawings and usually of scales 1:50 or 1:100.

Larger gardens or more complex projects may require A3 layout plans, perhaps incorporating detailed cross sections, planting plans, mood boards or 3D designs with animated fly-throughs (as shown).

Sometimes a finished design can be completed for you after our initial meeting, or alternatively we may agree to return for further meetings where we will present outline design drawings.


On completion of a design we are able to provide a quote to complete all the work required, from initial clearance, garden and landscape construction, through to final planting and making sure everything is clean and tidy before we leave.

We endeavour to leave gardens as neat as possible during construction, not upset your neighbours and keep your home or work space very clean during the whole process.

As a garden design and build company, we can complete your garden or landscaping project without the need to charge monitoring fees for overseeing outside contractors.


Planting is about having plants that look good in places where they will thrive. This takes design skills and detailed plant knowledge of the sort that we pride ourselves at green rooms. It also takes a thorough understanding of your own personal style and what you want from your garden.

Things to take into account include;

  • Do you want a garden that you get involved with looking after or do you want low maintenance plants that can be planted and left to flourish?
  • Is there a style of garden that you favour - mediterranean, cottage, formal, modern?
  • Then there are technical aspects like soil type, aspect, drainage and amount of sun or shade.

At green rooms we can take that information and then make sure you have a beautiful garden with plants that will thrive!